Nkasi District was established by the Local Government (District Authorities)Act No. 7 of 1982 from 1st January 1984. The district lies South West of Tanzania between latitudes 6° 58 and 8° 17 South and Longitude 30° 20´ and 31°30´ East. The District is bordered by Katavi Region to the North, Sumbawanga District and Zambia to the South, Sumbawanga Municipal to the East and to the West by the Democratic Republic of Congo through Lake Tanganyika . The District headquarters Namanyere Town is about 1,586 kms from the Capital City , Dar Es salaam . Nkasi District with an area of 13,124 sq kms covers about 17.44% of the total land area of Rukwa Region.
Population: According to the National Population Census conducted in 2002, the District had a total population of 207,311 with an annual growth rate of 4.7%, average household size of 4.92 and density of 15.98 people per sq km. However, the estimated population and housing census data and statistics for 2008 indicated that population is 228,885 ceteris paribus.
Climate: Nkasi District lies within the western branch of the East African Valley known as the " Western Rift Land Province " with altitude ranging from 750m to 1200m above sea level. The District is geographically divided into two zones; the Ufipa Plateau is characterised by miombo woodlands and open grassland that covers about 42% of the District area while shores of Lake Tanganyika are characterised by mountains and beautiful belt of coastline forests that covers about 50% of the district's area. Lake Tanganyika 's water level extends from 770m above sea level to 500 a.s.l , making it the second deepest lake in the world. Nkasi enjoys a favourable climatic condition. Climate varies from sub-humid in the extreme North West and Southwest to semi arid in the central and Rukwa Valley areas. The mean annual maximum temperature is 24°C and 27°C while the minimum temperature is 13°C - 16°C being hotter in the shores of Lake Tanganyika than in the Ufipa Plateau. It has an average rainfall that varies from 800mm to 1200mm which falls in one bimodal season that starts from November to April. Soil is suitable for growth.
The District is administratively sub-divided into five (5) divisions, which are further sub-divided into thirteen (13) wards and eighty seven (87) villages and seven hundred and sixty two (762) hamlets
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